Methods of Advertising:

1900s – Present Day

How do advertisers influence people to purchase products or change opinions by utilizing psychological processes? How might one resist undue influence?

In today’s world of modern technology, advertisements are everywhere. On TV, within movies, on websites, and perhaps most pervasively, on social media. While some of these advertisements can be clearly identified, many of them are hidden within entertainment, and even within clearly identifiable commercials, the methods of persuasion often go unnoticed to consumers. This project first delves into a brief history of advertising, and the evolution of techniques that have been used throughout the last century. Following this history is an analysis of the methods of persuasion used in instagram advertisements, an example of a modern and complex system of persuasion. The goal of this project, through the website, is to educate young consumers about the ways they are being targeted in advertising. 

By: Meg MacLaury and Sunniva Maharjan